Basic state examination

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#Subjects to choose: Physics & Computer Science or Social Studies & English?

#What to do in your free time: to go out or to stay at home?

#Watching movies: cinema or home cinema?

#Capturing moments: taking pictures with a camera or without it?

#To watch TV or YouTube?

#Time with friends: a board games evening or a night out?

#The best season for travelling: summer or winter?

#Having a pet: more love or more responsibilities?

#School tests: are they effective or ineffective?

#The best way to learn a language: on your own or with help of a teacher

#Healthy lifestyle: is it really good for health or just popular?

#The best mode of transportation: by car or by plane?

#Modern reading: e-books or paper books?

#No online life: ultra-modern or old-fashioned?

#What to do during travelling: to visit all the museums or to walk around the city?

#Longer school holidays: pros and cons

#Which is better for health: regular morning exercises or sports club 3 times a week?

#Keeping wild animal as a pet: pros and cons

#What to do after school: to enter the university or to start working?

#Online studies: pros and cons

#Which sports club to choose: chess or football?

#Homework: to be given more or less?

#Not your favourite subject: not worth making effort or will be useful anyway?

#Pollution: is waste sorting a state matter or everyone's business?

#TV: to watch or not to watch?

#To stay in your hometown or to move somewhere else after school?