SL 7

Just get it done

#Becoming a volunteer: in your home city or abroad?

#Who has got a tougher job: a firefighter or a surgeon?

#Which hobby is more exciting: astronomy or robot building?

#Students and work: to find a part-time job or to focus on studies?

#A part-time job to choose: to become a waiter or a shop assistant?

#What to try next: diving or rock climbing?

#Whose work is more interesting: a secret buyer's or a video games tester's?

#To be a part of a team or to work independently?

#Faraway travelling: to study local culture or to avoid any contacts?

#Looking for information: in the books or on the Internet?

#Becoming a star: anybody has a chance or the talent is vital?

#An evening out: to go to a rock concert or to listen to classical music?

#Fiction to read: modern or classic?

#Social media accounts: to have or not to have?

#Music: to play traditional instruments or choose modern ones?

#Wild travel destinations: to visit Antarctica or Africa?

#Up to the mountains: to hike or to use a funicular?